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Author: Popularity: Time: 14/04/03from:


As a fresh man in foreign trade, the most thing I have learnt in foreign trade not only the skills of trading but also consumer psychology.  

During this time I have got a sample order from a New Zealand custom. To my experience, the first email to the customer is really important. Sales must place the customer benefit to the first place. Sales must be professional and attentive in the first email, too.

    Before I got this sample order, all my email is pl acing our company introduction in the beginning. Unfortunately I found that no customer reply me in this type of writing. In order to chance this situation I put the quotation and what kind of service we could do for the custom first, then introduce our company in purpose. The situation has been chanced. My professional to the products wins the customer trust. He gave me his design drawing and his phone number to me forwardly.

Be familiar with the consumer psychology would be very important, too. After the probable details has been confirmed. I call to my customer and said: “All the details we are confirm now, our sample could be make for you as soon as we can once we received the sample payment.” In this condition, customer may mostly pay the payment. Cause custom spent a long-time in discussing the detail information to the supplier, if he don’t pay the payment as the salesman ask for he would feel embarrassed, too.

In conclusion, foreign trade is a heart to heart job. We need to know what the custom need and what he is thinking about. If we figure out these 2 points, we would win the customers.

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